1) They don’t learn how to take care of people. In the WASP world when someone gets sick, they go to the hospital, or to rehab or to an old folks home. People don’t get treated in the house by their family, this is outsourced. Growing up you don’t even clean your own home or care for your own children. People from this kind of upbringing don’t learn how to be caregivers. They don’t learn the importance of falling back on your family or taking someone under your wing.
2) They don’t know how to fix things. In WASP culture if something breaks, you replace it or pay a professional to fix it. This creates a class of idiots who have to rely on what they view as witch doctors to tell them anything about the things they own. This view passes over to people. If someone isn’t perfect, farm them out to a therapist. It doesn’t occur to a WASP that you yourself might actually have to engage in some problem solving in order to fix your relationship issues.
3) They drink a lot, in the bad way. I’m all for dating people who drink a lot, they’re fun. WASPs are not fun, and they don’t drink to be fun. WASPS drink to get tranquil and numb their feelings so they can go on pretending they don’t have any. OMG this is so unappealing I can’t handle it.
4) They’re passive. WASPs don’t like conflict. They like talking about conflict and farming the actual aggression out to lawyers. This is gross. Man up.
5) They phone it in. WASPs expect everything to be about them. Their mothers treat them this way, why wouldn’t you? They have no knowledge of the actual pressures of life, nor are they interested in discovering them. They just float by, following their parents wishes, marrying someone attractive but not feisty, having the absolute average number of children. Where’s the passion?
6) They’re obsessed with image. And they brought us madras. yikes.
>>>>from tumblr post!
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